Dangerous Year in Reproductive Health
When China renounced its notorious one-child policy in October, it seemed like draconian family planning rules were a thing of the past.[1] One of the most powerful countries in the world had finally...
View ArticleClimate Security for Whom?
From 30 November to 12 December, the eyes of the world were on Paris as international leaders negotiated a strategy to address climate change. The resulting agreement, signed by all the parties to the...
View ArticleBirds of a feather? Burundi and Rwanda: the dangers of ignoring Africa’s...
In 1994, the world stood and watched as Rwanda burned. Granted, there was little that the international community could have done to stem or prevent the violence, short of travelling back at least...
View ArticleChaos in Calais – The Value of Bare Necessities in the Jungle
2015 was undoubtedly the annus horribilis of the modern-day migrant crisis. Epitomised by the harrowing image of three-year old Alan Kurdi, who drowned alongside his family on their way to Europe in...
View ArticleLove Won? LGBT Rights in 2015
‘If you all agree with the question then we’ll have nothing to discuss.’[1] Thus spoke a bemused David Dimbleby on BBC’s Question Time in Belfast in January when faced with the exceptionally rare...
View ArticleThe Battle for Afghanistan: a New Contender?
Just as the term of US ambassador James Cunningham was coming to a close in Afghanistan, ISIS announced the start of theirs. In the summer of 2014, ISIS trumpeted their arrival by hanging 12 Taliban...
View ArticleYear in Review: The European Defence Industry
Successively monopolised by the Greek debt crisis and massive migrant influx, the European Union (EU) had little time in 2015 for important announcements concerning its defence policy and weapons...
View ArticleSub-Saharan Africa and China: A Fairy Tale Match?
It seems that 2015 has been the year of Africa: Africa rising and Africa not rising. Yet, as the public is hearing more about the continent from news outlets, the discourse often centres on China and...
View ArticleWar and Terror: The Removal of Dictators in the Twenty-First Century
10 September 2001 was a relatively normal day. The Mayor of Campinas in Brazil, Antônio da Costa Santos was murdered as he drove home,[1] American rapper DJ Uncle Al was shot dead,[2] and Charles...
View Article2015 Saudi Arabian Municipal Elections: Human Rights in Action?
On 12 December 2015, the world witnessed Saudi Arabia fulfilling the promise of its late king, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. For the first time ever, Saudi women were granted the right to vote and...
View ArticleSmoke and Mirrors: Deconstructing Russian Foreign Policy Objectives in 2015
‘We all know that after the end of the Cold War – everyone is aware of that – a single centre of domination emerged in the world, and then those who found themselves at the top of the pyramid were...
View ArticleThe EU in Duress: How the Refugee Crisis is Generating a Trend of Isolation
Since the beginning of the Syrian Civil War thousands of Syrians have fled their war torn country in search of peace in a democratic Europe.[1] Between January and November 2015, more than 886,000...
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